Saturday, May 9, 2009

Change is inevitable

When i stand before the mirror now i realize how much has changed. The girl staring back at me is no longer the toddler who used to be fascinated by her reflection. she's a young individual staring back at me with inquisitive brown eyes. it seems as if an eternity has passed in the blink of an eye.

I can see scenes from my life flashing before me. The schools i attended, the games i played, friends i made. it had all been such an important part of my life. As i grew up i understood that life is not always a bed of roses. we love, we learn, we live and we grow. somewhere along the way disappointments makes us loose hope, victory makes us sure-footed, people make us feel loved. and all together this makes up our life. a life that is so much more complicated than before. everyday we become more experienced but that experience is put to test every moment. so we become vulnerable to making mistakes.

sometimes our errs are mistaken as deliberations. this is something that i can comment upon very confidently. i myself have been a "victim" of such misunderstandings.. my silence is considered my arrogance, my lack of interest as lack of knowledge, my emotions as pretense. so i find it better to keep my thoughts to myself and let people go on with their thoughts. if i can not convince them with my words how can i ever make them understand the real "me" with arguments.

yes i have changed. my priorities, my ambition, my field of thinking... nothing is the way it was . i often hear people complaining.. "you are not the same anymore, you're not the person i knew." but i guess that's okay. CHANGE IS INEVITABLE. and if you cannot accept me the way i am now chances are that you don't deserve me.


  1. ur life has jst begun
    everyone one has go thru thses
    phases of life
    jst never give up
    wts all i can say

  2. OK, you have said or, say, rather been forced to accept "CHANGE IS INEVITABLE" But do u know this assertion of urs is the very foundation of science, scientific thought and progress. When there is no change, there is no life either. It is dead then. Apply this new found 'science' in u in every spheres of life, be it nature, individual psychology, mankind and history, u will find a splendid world of thought for urself. One should know there are people who against change and there is a system which doesn't accept any change in it. And change here, i mean, is not the one which is cosmetic, I mean an all-embracing change. anyway i just stumbled upon ur blog and like ur "change is inevitable" and got attracted. keep up and never lose hold of it.
